The WolfKnight Loup-Gar狼騎士ルーガーNameThe WolfKnight Loup-GarKanji/Kana狼騎士ルーガーReleased in (Japanese)BS23ColorPurple Cost4Reduction SymbolsFamilyZombie, Evil ShadowAbilityRush☆ Levels ☆ Level 1: 1 core, 2000 BP Level 2: 2 core, 3000 BP☆ Card Effects ☆English[LV1]-[LV2] 『When Summoned』 Draw 1 card from your deck. Rush:Condition “White Symbol” (The effect below remains active while you have a White symbol. ): Return 1 opposing spirit with a cost of 4 or less to the hand. ☆ Flavor Text ☆Japanese月夜に変化し、白夜の崩壊を引き起こした狼人は、闇に染まる鎧の力で、新たな自我に目覚めた。RarityCommonIllustrationMasaichi ItouRulings/RestrictionsNone