Dark-Tyrannosaura-Overrexダーク・ティラノザウラー・オーバーレックスNameDark-Tyrannosaura-OverrexKanjiダーク・ティラノザウラー・オーバーレックスReleased in (Japanese)PromoColorRedCost7Reduction AbilityRushFamilyTerra DragonSymbols☆ Levels ☆Level 1: 1 core, 7000 BPLevel 2: 3 core, 11000 BPLevel 3: 4 core, 13000 BP☆ Effect ☆[LV1][LV2][LV3] (When Attacks) You can target 1 opposing spirit to attack. [Rush(Condition:Green Symbol)] The effect below remains active while you have a Green symbol. : When only the opposing spirit is destroyed by comparing BP, move 1 core from your opponent's life to their reserve.☆ Flavor Text ☆N/ARarityX-RareIllustrationN/ARulings/RestrictionsNone