PegashioneペガシオーネNamePegashioneKanjiペガシオーネReleased in (Japanese)BS19, Galaxy Watanabe Presents- I Love Battle Spirits Special Deck and Drama Set 2ColorWhiteCost4Reduction2 WhiteSymbols1 WhiteFamilyMachine BeastAbilityRush☆ Levels ☆Level 1: 1 core, 3000 BPLevel 2: 2 core, 5000 BP☆ Effect ☆[LV1][LV2] (When Attacks) Return 1 opposing spirit with 4000BP or less back to your opponent's hand. [Rush(Condition:Green Symbol)] While you have a green symbol, the effect below remains active. Green: Move 1 core from the void to this spirit.☆ Flavor Text ☆奪われた剣を取り返し、再び元の地へ納めてくれた剣士。全ての事柄が片付くまで、彼に剣を託すことにした。RarityCommonIllustrationNaochika MorishitaRulings/RestrictionsNone