The HornBushin Neptune-Kaishin角武神ネプチューン・カイシンNameThe HornBushin Neptune-KaishinKanji角武神ネプチューン・カイシンReleased in (Japanese)PromoColorGreenCost5Reduction3 GreenSymbols1 GreenFamilyShellman, Shell Insect☆ Levels ☆Level 1: 1 core, 5000 BPLevel 2: 3 core, 9000 BP☆ Effect ☆[LV1][LV2] (Each Player's Attack Step) Attacks from spirits with the effect "can't be blocked" can't decrease either player's life. [LV1][LV2] When this spirit would be returned to the hand or deck due to opposing effects, it remains on the field, refreshed. [LV2] (When Attacks) Exhaust 1 opposing spirit with BP10000 or less.☆ Flavor Text ☆堂々たる角は、武人たる証拠であり誇りである。RarityPXIllustrationEisyun FujiiRulings/RestrictionsNone